Folks, it’s time to blow the digital dust off this blog, because we have left the country. And if the photo of the Brandenburg Gate, and the name of this post don’t make it clear enough, we are in Germany.
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Wellington Wrap Up
We’ve spent the last few days reacquainting ourselves with Wellington, so figured it was time to dust off the blog. It was 2015 when we were last here, but we’ve had a longer visit this time, so have had the chance to explore a few different things, and then revisit some favourites from last time. Here’s a quick summary of what we’ve been up to:
The lows and highs of Paris
Holly may have more to say about emotional highs and lows experienced whilst in this city, but this post of mine is completely literal.
Un Joyeux Anniversaire
A huge aqueduct, a light festival, a birthday, secret passages…it’s been a busy few days.
Eating our way through San Sebastian
It’s our last night in town, and in the couple of days we’ve had here in San Sebastian, we’ve done very little other than eat amazing food. I am on board with this.
A portal into Porto’s port
This blog post is a bit overdue – the wifi here in Porto has been a bit flaky, and we haven’t been doing heaps of note. But I’m seven glasses of port in, so what better time to recap our stay here.
The Fresh Prince of Belém
Now this is a story all about how
My life got flipped turned upside down
And I’d like to take a minute, just sit right there
I’ll tell you how I ate the pastries in a town called Belém
Hey Macarena
After an epic train journey from Barcelona, we’ve been spending the last few days in Seville. We both quickly agreed that this place feels like Spain – the streets are lined with orange trees, the buildings are plastered white with little orange balconies, and you never have to wait long until a segway tour rolls past you. Ok, so maybe we’re a little too close to the tourist centre of town to get true authenticity.
All the culture
While yesterday was all about food, today turned into a healthy dose of art, religion and history.
Homeward bound
Christchurch ✈ Sydney