Holly may have more to say about emotional highs and lows experienced whilst in this city, but this post of mine is completely literal.
With only four full days here, we were never going to get through all the things we ‘should’ see, so it’s been a matter of choosing which of the particular greatest hits we’d tick off. I’m very much of the do all the things mentality, which is not so much (or at all) Holly’s style, so inevitably we have different priorities. Thankfully we were both keen to see the catacombs, so into the depths we descended today.
I was surprised I didn’t find it more morbid. I guess the age of the bones in there, and the anonymous nature of them, removes some of that. The slightly over the top audio guide probably helped too (though it was nowhere near the amazing/terrible audio guide at Portchester Castle).
After a quick lunch break, it was on to the Arc de Triomphe. While there is the option to get up to the top, I was content with walking around, and under it. Then around it again for “just one more” photo. Did very much enjoy watching the tourists put their lives on the line by standing in the middle of the road to get the perfectly centred selfie, as cars drove past in every direction. Sure I thought about going out there myself, but I didn’t actually do it…even stopped myself taking a photo as I crossed the road.
By this point in the day Holly was ready for a nap, so she headed back to our apartment and I took a leisurely stroll down the road to meet my family at the Eiffel Tower. And then queue with them to get through security. And then queue for a ticket. We had hoped to be up the tower to watch the sun set, but by the time we climbed the steps to the first floor, it was pretty much over. Not a bad view though.
Onwards and upwards we went, getting the lift from the second floor to the summit. Kinda freaky being that high, and not being enclosed behind glass – I can understand why it closes in bad weather. After many, many photos we finally started heading down. My one regret was that the champagne bar only opened as we got in the queue for the lift down so I didn’t get to be a complete tourist.