I thought I should upload a few select photos from the trip for the benefit of those who haven’t had the chance (or the patience) to sit through the full slide show. I’ll be grouping the photos by the city they were taken in, so we start at the start – in Osaka.
Tag: Osaka
It’s been an exhausting first full day here. Of course we woke up at about 7am and thought we’d get up and around and not waste the morning – only to realise that we’re staying in an area that doesn’t wake up before noon. I’m psyching myself up to try the Japanese version of breakfast at our hotel: this morning I chickened out with toast, while at the table next to us a man ate rice with raw egg and fermented soy beans. And orange juice; I guess some things are universal.
Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore
I’m currently sitting in a very small (but not unpleasant) hotel room in Osaka. It’s the farthest I’ve ever been away from home, the first time I’ve been in a non-English speaking country and the first time I’ve seen the sink drain the opposite way (I had to check).
Continue reading Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore