I thought I should upload a few select photos from the trip for the benefit of those who haven’t had the chance (or the patience) to sit through the full slide show. I’ll be grouping the photos by the city they were taken in, so we start at the start – in Osaka.
Click on any of the photos below to see a larger version.
Just like a ferris wheel, just not as round
I’d like to see this guy take on Ronald…
The seemingly endless shopping mall near our hotel
An often ignored sign on the streets of Japan
The bright lights of Osaka
Possibly Japan’s most famous neon sign
The fried octupus dumplings, fresh from the grill, which were responsible for my burnt tongue
The inside(!) of a restaurant we ate at
Quite a decent hotel, once we eventually found it
One of the many signs at Osaka station which use Dick Bruna illustrations
Or in English, Osaka Castle
One thought on “Osaka Photos”
Thanks for the photos -I was just looking back over the blog and was pleased to find another entry
Thanks for the photos -I was just looking back over the blog and was pleased to find another entry