
With the state election nearly upon us, I thought it was time I pointed out a great campaigning opportunity that was missed by Carmel Tebbutt, member for Marrickville. She’s been running with the slogan “Keep Carmel”, all uppercase, on a red background (as seen on these election leaflets).

Holly pointed out that it looked pretty similar to “Keep Calm and Carry On” – the old British war poster that now pops up everywhere. She even emailed Carmel’s office suggesting they use it, but alas a new and improved slogan was not forthcoming. So, I’ve taken it upon myself to put together this campaign poster for Carmel.*

Keep Carmel And Carry On

Whilst putting this together I discovered there are a number of variations on the crest of the Parliament of NSW (so of course I chose the one featuring a crown as a nod to the original poster), that the official colour of NSW is Pantone 291, and that in 2008 Premier Iemma made the Black Opal the official gemstone of the state by amending the State Arms, Symbols and Emblems Act. Who says this government hasn’t done anything?

Happy voting this Saturday – in the words of CJ Cregg, “You gotta rock the vote!”

* As a purely artistic exercise, this is not an endorsement of Ms Tebbutt. In the interest of balanced blogging, here are the links to all candidates running for election in Marrickville (in the order they’ll appear on the ballot):

3 thoughts on “Electioneering”

  1. And in the words of Toby and Will, “this reversion to the mean, this rebuke to the exemplary, gives hope to the millions unfavoured by the exceptional.” (Not the poster – the choice of governments.)

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