A few weeks ago my dear friends from Dead Letter Chorus asked me to record some cello parts for their new album. When chatting to Cameron from the band about the recording, the conversation drifted to websites (which inevitably seems to happen with me). Their latest single “Run, Wild” was about to be used in a commercial for a rather large car company and they wanted a simple site to help make the most of the exposure.
The main point of the site was to make the song available to be heard. Given DLC had put together a great video clip, I decided the best approach would be to create a one page site anchored around the video. Sticking that front and centre, the only other things required were a few social network links, and the email subscription form. I toyed around with a few different approaches to these, but in the end decided to go for a simple and clean approach. A sprinkling of CSS3 opacity levels and I was done…at least for now.
Obviously there’s not a lot of content at this stage, but once the album is complete then we’ll probably revisit things. In the meantime however, I give you deadletterchorus.com. (Oh, just a heads up, the song will start playing as soon as it loads, so if you’re in a quiet office you’ve been warned. I do however approve of playing the song loudly and adding some life into what must be a terribly dull work place).