It’s been an exhausting first full day here. Of course we woke up at about 7am and thought we’d get up and around and not waste the morning – only to realise that we’re staying in an area that doesn’t wake up before noon. I’m psyching myself up to try the Japanese version of breakfast at our hotel: this morning I chickened out with toast, while at the table next to us a man ate rice with raw egg and fermented soy beans. And orange juice; I guess some things are universal.
Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore
I’m currently sitting in a very small (but not unpleasant) hotel room in Osaka. It’s the farthest I’ve ever been away from home, the first time I’ve been in a non-English speaking country and the first time I’ve seen the sink drain the opposite way (I had to check).
Continue reading Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore
Preparation Phase
By my calculations, according to our synchronised watches, we’ll be on a plane heading to Japan (aka Nippon) in approximately 36 hours. So I feel the time is ripe to publish my list of…
Top 10 Things I Am And Am Not Looking Forward to About Japan