Waters delivers more of what she’s good at: history and lesbians. This one is a page-turner while it lasts, but I have to say that it left me a bit less satisfied than previous efforts. Possibly, this might have something to do with the fact that it’s pretty much a straight (unintended pun) narrative journey from A to C via B; it doesn’t have the twists, turns and mysteries of some of her other novels.
Not to say that it’s not enjoyable. If nothing else, it’s nice to be reminded that things such as lesbians and abortions did, in fact, exist in 1922. Also as is common for Waters, this is a novel that is interested in the rules and subversions of the English class system, and in women’s place within in it. I don’t want to suggest it isn’t a good read. All I’m saying is that it’s a four-star instead of the usual Waters five.