I rarely read short stories, because I usually find (unless they’re linked together somehow, by more than just a theme) that it’s a lot harder to sink my teeth into them; however well-expressed, the ideas in them just can’t be developed to the same extent as novels. (There are exceptions, and my taste runs South American; Borges and Cortazar in particular.)
This collection is ok. It’s somewhat funny. I smiled on occasion. I did not LOL. At no point did I ROFL. The whole thing basically amounts to a series of punchlines, but they’re more the kinds of jokes where instead of laughing you say, “sure, I get it.” It’s also pretty short: probably about 90 minutes I guess. That could be a pro or a con depending what kind of reader you are. Bottom line, if you read one of these in the New Yorker (where I think some of them have, indeed, been published) it would be a fun ten minutes of your life, but put them all together and it feels like the whole might be less than the sum of the parts.